Once an object has been defined, it can be displayed at 0,0,0 by simply saying
draw object
This is normally (but not necessarily) done only with the first object. All other objects should be drawn relative to a previously drawn object. For example,
lostair = Cube histair = Cube draw lostair draw histair above lostair and behind lostair
The object to draw we shall call the ``drawn object'' and the object to which the drawn object is relative to what we shall call the ``relative object.'' For the second draw command, histair is the drawn object and the lostair is the relative object. The form of any modifier is
n modifier relative-object
where the optional `` n'' indicates a distance in the direction of the modifier, with direction defined from the viewer's point-of-view using the coordinate system defined in the VRML specifications. There is only one drawn object per draw command. Multiple modifiers are combined with either an `` and'', a comma, or nothing at all in between. For example,
draw d to the left of a, above b and behind c
The following ``positional phrases'' or modifiers are available.
A uniform default offset can be set independently for each of these modifiers if it is desired to position objects so that the bounding boxes do not touch.